Procure To Pay
Procure To Pay
P2P Software Suites offer organizations with control and visibility over the entire life-cycle of a transaction – from the way an item is ordered to the way that the final invoice is processed – providing full insight into cash-flow and financial commitments.
Zahdan Group has introduced its end-to- end solution to facilitate its affiliated clients to align their entire Supply Chain business process with the emerging Best Practices in the industry to achieve efficiency and secure better controls over the stakeholders responsible to execute Supply Chain operations.
Modules of P2P Solution
- Purchase Request Automation
- Capital Budget Management
- Vendor Pre-Qualification
- eTendering & Auctions
- Contract / Document Management
- Catalogue Management
- Purchase Order Automation
- Inventory Management
- Invoice Automation & Payment Settlement
- Cash Advance & Expense Management
- Reporting
P2P Benefits
Flexible solution that tailored to suit unique individual processing needs of corporate world;
- Facilitating for Paperless Environment
- Online Approvals and Processing of Transactions
- Instant Access to Information
- Provide a Solution that allows for Greater User Engagement
- Users to get Desired Information in an Organized Manner
- Automate and Streamline Business Operations
- Watch and Operate Business from Anywhere at a Click of a Button
- All the Modules are Integrated and can also be Run Separately
- Centralize Database
- Informed and Timely Decision Making
- Improve Overall Productivity, Boost Sales, Retain Customers and Increase Revenue
- Enhance Management Focus on Growing Business
- Real Time Reporting
- Cloud Solution – No Client/User Site Installation is Required
- No Client/User License is Required
- Unlimited Clients/Users are Allowed